Sync different Odoo systems in minutes

There are many reasons to have to connect two different Odoo systems. Learn why and how right here

Completely syncing two Odoo systems takes only a few minutes

  • without code knowledge
  • support, maintain, change, extend in Odoo yourself
  • fully automated
  • complete monitoring
  • perfect error handling
  • best performance

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If you want to learn in what cases it could be useful to easily connect multiple Odoo systems

Here is the list for it:

Safe licences for cases where it is just not profitable

We highly encourage you to go Enterprise in Odoo! Odoo is fairly cheap and still would be, if it would offer 80% less. To support Odoo means it will stay ahead, bring you more features, further improve its UI and performance in the future.

Yet, there are still cases where you want / need Enterprise functionality, but nor for all your user-base. Example:

You have ten employees in your office organising 200 students helping to move furniture every now and then. You can have 10 enterprise users and 200 portal users, but you can't assign them on tasks, they cant clock time in your system, they can not edit all the entities you need them to.

So you take 210 enterprise users? But paying 448,80 € per year is a lot, when one student maybe does one job making 100 turnover.

The Solution: 10 Users in enterprise, 200 in community. You just sync your employees to users from enterprise to community and all relevant entities you need. Everyone can work with all their best with the respective full feature list available.

Have extra safety for data that needs to be accessed from outside

Example: You have a shop system, which is not Odoo, and you want to have the best experience for your customers, maybe you want to give them the most possibilities to modify their orders. Change the shipping address, cancel the order, see the status. One way is to set up calls directly to your Odoo to have synchronous changes, but that also means, your Odoo is reachable from the internet anywhere. There are many ways to improve security in such scenarios, one is to just allow calls to happen from your main Odoo and not to it. Have it synced to a second Odoo, which for one just carries necessary data (reducing leaks in a data breach incident) and secondly makes your main Odoo not reachable to outsiders.

don't get into the complexity from multi-company

Multi company works very well in Odoo and still it increases complexity.

- People working together can't see the same products, because they are employed by different companies

- OCA and bought modules throw errors, because they have not been designed to support multi company

- there are more rights to maintain to secure everybody really only accesses what they are allowed to

In many cases, this is they way to go. In others you would hope there would be an easy solution to sync two Odoos. This is what the Zync does. Just Split it, let it have the same codebase, and just sync the data you need. And in some cases, it can even be advantageous to have different code bases, which is then possible. Please read on.

have different code bases for contrary use cases

In a company group, sometimes you have a hard time to find the best solution for everyone. There are different needs for different use cases in the same module. Maybe one branch has small orders that don't need checking and want the highes automation possible and another branch has high profile orders that need a lot of manual checking and fixing. You either find smart ways to develop it or one of the parties has to lose a bit. 
This will not happen, if you just have a second Odoo where you can have the maximum optimisation for both and then sync the orders.

Even if you find a solution via code to satisfy both parties, to find these, can be quite the chore. A lot of people have to be involved and smart people need to be involve to have a chance to find a very good solution. If you are lacking the time or resources, please read on

have a live system that can act quickly without risking your main ERP

In fast pace environments, start-ups within companies or contrary use cases. Maybe you just want to be fast, agile and light-footed again. Be profitable faster, have a shorter time to market, reduce deciders needed. Have a second Odoo, let them do their thing and just sync the data needed in your main ERP.

stop dependency to a more powerful company group entity

The same as above. If you are in, for example, an international acting company. All the decisions from above do not work for you or are just different for your country. You can not optimise your code base, because it needs to be approved or work for everybody. This problem will not exist, when you have your own Odoo and then sync all necessary data.